Chuck Hughes’ Inner Circle Trading Service

If you choose to join Chuck’s Inner Circle Trading Service you will gain access to multiple portfolios of trade recommendations that have been hand selected by Trading Champion, Chuck Hughes, using his proprietary Power-Trend trading system. The portfolios that you will gain access to will include the following types of trades.

• Option Purchases
• Option Debit Spread
• Buy Writes
• Profit Guard Stock
• Dividend Paying Stocks purchases
• Stock purchases
• Microcap Stock purchases

As a member of the Inner Circle, you will regularly receive trade alert notifications when Chuck and the Optioneering Team are recommending a new position or taking action on an existing trade recommendation. Our trade alert notifications are sent to your email inbox. 

Included with your membership to Chuck’s Inner Circle Trading Service will be access to our eight Optioneering Calculators that you can use in order to analyze potential trades. Also included with your membership is access to our dedicated support team that can help to answer any questions you may have. In addition to open trade recommendation portfolios, the Inner Circle member portal includes a library of Getting Started & Strategy Videos for learning Chuck’s trading strategies, a Getting Started ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section for newer members, our Trade Alert Email Arch

*Trading incurs risk including risk of loss.